Malcolm Creek Preschool - Extensions & Alterations to existing Preschool

An additional Preschool room, with a new foyer and staff facilities, extending an existing one-room Pre-school attached to a Primary School
This new extension negotiates an awkward site be-tween the pre- and primary school buildings, with a difficult north-west orientation.
The new childrens room opens up into the existing room with an art area at the junction, encouraging and supporting interaction and team-based learning for new educational philosophies.
The solution is a simple lightweight steel-framed structure, with wide column-free outdoor learning verandahs joining the light, airy and voluminous new childrens room to the outdoor play areas.
This contrasts with the huddle of low suburban house-forms of the surrounding buildings, reflecting perhaps a morecheerful approach to providing public facilities.


Woodburn River Precinct and Community Building, NSW


Healesville Reconciliation Centre Alterations & Extensions